Climate Justice


by: Walla Capelobo

In this second part of “The congonhas and the whispering mountains”, Walla guides us through the institution of the dream and the stones as founding elements of a continuous process of recreation of the Land against extractive invasion.

The congonhas and the whispering mountains

by: Walla Capelobo

Congonhas is a city in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil victim of the violence of mineral extraction that fragments its mountains and the bodies of its human and non-human inhabitants. Its name comes from a teacher plant threatened by the destruction of its habitat.

Intergenerational Dialogues and New Narratives for Agroecological Sustainability

by: Alsakuy Agroecológica

A space for popular education in which trans-local dialogues look towards common spaces in the face of agribusiness and extractivist practices of bodies and territories. Alsakuy Agroecológica has a political perspective about peasant agroecology based on traditions and localized knowledge.

Landscapes of sufficiency

by: Nicolás Pradilla

Beyond monocultures disguised as traditional forms of agriculture by the industrial imaginary, there are spatial modes of production that have been practiced for centuries in forests, wetlands and plains that refuse to assume the erosion of exploitation and reproduce life together with earth others.

Image by Shilfina

Sejawat Merawat: On the Reflection of Care

by: Bakudapan Food Study Group

How do solidarity, care, social and ecological regeneration relate to each other? How can we collectively manage our different needs? Sejawat Merawat shares a collective reflection on these questions.

Photo: Carolina Campuzano

The contemplation of beauty: an action for climate justice

by: Carolina Campuzano

How do you convince someone of an idea, how do you tell the world what it should pay attention to? Sometimes words are not enough, sometimes speeches are transient, that is, they have an impact for a moment and then disappear, even those that are apocalyptic do not seem to achieve the desired effect: that of generating fear so that people act on it.

Invasive species

by: Nicolás Pradilla

Concerns about the migration of animals, plants, fungi, viruses and bacteria have followed paths of colonial control parallel to those built around the transit of people from the south to the North-West. It has little to do with caring for the endemic populations of a territory and much to do with controlling the economic interests of certain groups in power.

The Return of the Herons

by: Tona Kinich

In an area that stands in contrast to the urbanized megalopolis, planting chinampas in the South of Mexico City is an act of territorial and epistemic defense, defying imposed development.

Le retour des Hérons


Devant l’imposition du développement, la culture en chinampas (jardin flottant) au sud de la Ville de Mexico, dans une zone qui contraste avec l’aspect urbain de la mégalopole, est un acte de défense du territoire et un acte de défense épistémique.

El regreso de las Garzas


Frente a la imposición del desarrollo, el cultivo en chinampas al sur de la Ciudad de México, en una zona que contrasta con el aspecto urbano de la megalópolis, es un acto de defensa territorial y epistémica.