Contributions from Gudskul Ekosistem

by: Gudskul Ekosistem

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Gudskul Ekosistem houses a multitude of practitioners and collectives with differing practices and artistic mediums. Marishka Soekarna @drawmama,  Wiratama @wirtams, and Sumantri Gelar @smtglr working through comical visual elements and playful aesthetics, employ satire to critique the political and social dynamics at play in the Palestinian context, and calling for an end to the violence and injustice occurring in Palestine. These artworks invite all of us to question established narratives and perspectives. To become storytellers, using their works to convey the multifaceted narratives of Palestinian lives. Their pieces serve as a visual and emotional bridge, fostering understanding and empathy.

These works reflected as an homage to the enduring strength of the Palestinian people and an urgent call for solidarity, understanding, and support. As we navigate the complexities of the narrative, let us remember these solidarity actions have the power to bridge gaps, provoke thought, bring hope and inspire each other. Together with the Arts Collaboratory Ecosystem, these resonate actions bring us a broader dialogue, encouraging a global community to reflect on the shared responsibility of advocating for a more compassionate and equitable world.

Red Area Crow(n) – Soemantri Gelar @smtglr

Our Vote -Marishka Soekarna @drawmama

I’m Killin’ It – Wiratama @wirtams

Free Palestine -Marishka Soekarna @drawmama

Cease Fire Now – Soemantri Gelar @smtglr

Captain Palestine – Wiratama @wirtams.jpg

Bee My Palestine – Soemantri Gelar @smtglr

Gudskul Ekosistem