Palestine Rally Johannesburg. Image by Gulshan Khan.

Artistas africanes contra el apartheid. Poemas y otras obras

by: African Artists Against Apartheid Poetry Group

Words to Stop a Genocide

Thandi Gamedze

I wish poetry could end the pain

I’m trying to come up with the exact configuration of words able to terminate a genocide

Like in the movies when everything hangs on figuring out the correct combination to open up the safe

I am listening intently for the clicks that would indicate progress

The state of Israel is not the Israel of which the bible speaks


Just because something is in the bible doesn’t make it right


The Israelites in the Old Testament moved from being enslaved to practicing genocidal settler colonialism


That was not, is not, and never will be okay




The state of Israel is built on violent settler colonialism


It was created in 1948, orchestrated by Western powers who thought they could kill many birds with one stone


Those Western powers have never stopped pulling strings or killing birds but they have increased their stones and their targets


They continue to benefit through their devoted ally in the Middle East




This is not a religious conflict


Before Israel was created, Arab Jews, Christians, and Muslims were indigenous to the land


Jesus himself was a Palestinian


He is an ancestor of those currently being bombed




Violence meted out by settler colonial powers is not self-defence


The United Nations says so


It also says that Israel is an apartheid state


Surely we can at least agree that genocide is never okay?




Think about the children


Children everywhere belong to all of us


We all belong to each other


Think about our shared humanity


I’m grasping at straws here

I had thought the lock would be open by now

But we have to keep trying

Because everything hangs on us figuring out the correct combination

Because a threat to injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere

Because we are at risk of losing our humanity

Yet it doesn’t seem like there is an end to the numbers in the password to this particular safe

I’m starting to lose faith that all the words in the world could make even a dent in the Iron Dome of global evil

I wish I knew the combination of words that could stop a genocide

But I don’t


Crescent Moon Center for Healing: Poetic Medicine

Nadine Ghammache

These days


In a shiny Lego box

All the same

Gray pieces, thousands 

No figurines, none needed

Dead, dead, dead

Thousand gray pieces

No booklet needed

None needed

These days are

Palestine, my homeland,

My mother, my uncles

My aunts, my grandmother, 

Jeddo, my olives, my sea,

My wind, my swallows,

My beautiful children,

My beautiful Palestinian accent,

My dabke, my keffiyeh, 

My land I’ve never been allowed to be

These days speak

They plead

Why me? 

I’m only a child

Why me? Why me?

What have I done? 

I’m only a child

These days

I’m an no longer an only child

But all my people


Fatima Gabru

1948, 1948

Lara Reddy

How I hate you, how I detest you

I cannot count the number of your

Laws I loathe that made us insane

That stole, mocked, made us mortified

At our own existence, so crucified

Dear 1948 Apartheid South Africa.

How we dislike you, no, we abhor you!

And just when we thought you were rid of

In South Africa, you continued to spew fire

Like a dragon, fumed over another

Landscape, another people, prejudiced, imprisoned

Robbed of their homes, why 1948? Why?

You settled there, you made refugees

In their own land, in their own land shared with you

Colonised, stolen and reduced to Gaza

A prison with your ration of calories and water and life

A landfill out of indigenous people

And called it your paradise 1948 

Called it holy land, recapitulate

Yet dreams of our own

Prayers same that we moan

But 1948, like a demon who never died

Destined itself in 1967, to dictatorship

We still remain in your gruesome grip

In another place, for another ailing

Screaming, suffering, martyred, bombed and bleeding people

Who the Zionists want to obliterate

Who apartheid Israel wants to obliterate

Who the US and the rest of the west

Just cheer on with more bombs and power 

And disregard for the lives of babies

Een if they survive, left abandoned as orphans

And if they die

The pain of burying your child 

Before you

Follows you like a ghost 

For the rest of death

‘for we can’t call it life…

After the bombs

What then

After cease-fire

What then

What dreams


Still fighting to end your Apartheid era

Let’s mention your other name now

And not be afraid

You’re Israeli Apartheid

Even Harvard deems it so

While shaking hands with foes

Once, South African Apartheid

Now-You’re Israeli Apartheid

Historical and cruel

David and Goliath

Even biblically true

South Africa’s Apartheid

1948 you stole the show

And made it legislation

Made love a crime

Humanity was a dime

 Yet we sent you flying

But not too far away to…

1994 who became your liberal child

But still playing at oppression

And Injustice, lingering

in a deceitful way

called democracy





The ‘democracy in the

Middle east’

Is an Apartheid Regime

Twin to the 1948

South African Apartheid Regime

Only worse, only worse…

As South Africa, 

And Palestine you helped us to our freedom

Avoided genocide, ethnic cleansing

And a ‘leader ‘on hyper-fascist-Hitler mode

Supported by other neo-liberal fascist leaders

The people, from the river to the sea

Must rise for revolution- 

And disrupt the normalcy of their world

As it is not normal

But cruel and unjust

Where babies in incubators are killed

Before they breathe life


We see you; we have felt your force before 

And defeated you

We will defeat you again. 

My sisters and brothers in Palestine

For the whole world’s Palestine

I feel your pain

we feel your pain

Do not despair

Do not despair


Dear 1948, 1948

Also Born in the Arab Israeli war

From Egypt to Jerusalem

Your colonisation

You kill with

The Apartheid you

Sanctify and occupy with

never ended

1948 1948

From your regime

 In South Africa, to now Zionist Israel

We aim to defeat you

Your era is ending


2024 is the new 1994 for Palestine 

We aim to destroy you

Now it’s almost 2024

Israeli Apartheid

We have to destroy you too.

We must destroy you too.

From the river to the sea

Palestine will be free

From the rivers to the seas

The world will be free

Beloved Palestine by Natasha Vally.

African Artists Against Apartheid is a group of artists, writers, journalists and cultural workers mobilising for a Free Palestine through Whatsapp. Sign up to join here:

African Artists Against Apartheid Poetry Group